That he’ll support any law that doesn’t affect responsible gun owners, usually. Sure, he’s okay with banning bump stocks, just as long as it doesn’t prevent him from buying. And owning a bump stock. He’s okay with preventing the mentally ill from buying firearms. As long as mental illness doesn’t include depression. (Because he takes Zoloft every day.). Now here’s the A 100 Foolproof Way To Prevent Corona Virus It’s Called Stay Inside And Read A Book Shirt: Often times the only way we know that someone shouldn’t have been sold a gun is after somebody is already dead. It wasn’t until the last hour of his life that we realized that hey, maybe we shouldn’t have sold that guy fifty semi-automatic rifles, ten thousand rounds of ammunition, and a half a dozen bump stocks.
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Republicans insist on reactive legislation, which is exactly what Mitch McConnell is doing here, he’s asking “How could we have prevented the last mass shooting?” instead of “How can we prevent the next mass shooting?”. Well, what are you trying to address? Mass shootings specifically, accidental gun deaths, gun deaths as the A 100 Foolproof Way To Prevent Corona Virus It’s Called Stay Inside And Read A Book Shirt. And those are different from trying to prevent children from finding a gun. And accidentally shooting themselves or someone else with it. That is different from keeping guns out of the hands of gangs and the criminals that generally drive the gun based homicide rate.
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Mass shooters often pass background checks to get their guns. If they have a criminal or mental health history then it is a failure of the existing system to identify them. If they steal their firearms like the Sandy Hook shooter then little can be done to counter that. But if like the Vegas guy they have no criminal or mental health history. How can you screen those people out? Especially the firearms may be purchased months or years before they are used criminally. Because background checks, magazine capacity limits ad assault weapons. Bans won’t prevent a depressed person from passing a criminal background check to buy a revolver. And put 1 single bullet in their head.
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