Maybe an unpopular opinion but I reckon Steve Irwin could have taken Bear in a fight. All while describing the fight for the camera. Tbf most headsets don’t have the best mics and your voice comes out tinny and weak. If you ever get the A Woman Cannot Survive On Self Quarantine Alone Dalmatian Covid-19 Shirt. It’s like putting every trait up on a pedestal with a spotlight. You are your own toughest critic”. Voice is an instrument and like anything else can sound better with practice, although starting by loving yourself aka appreciating your native equipment goes a long way.
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As a bedroom musician who’s done studio time with some singer-songwriters and bands before. Nope, there’s still a reason I don’t sing besides horrible car singing and SO/friends singing because that’s the only time anyone wants my drowning cat voice. Yeah, I can relate. My vox is sub-par but it’s truly a lesson on learning to love self-expression without worrying about external opinions. The truth is all that really matters is you enjoying yourself for who you are. You are beautiful whether anyone else thinks so or not. I’d actually love to use A Woman Cannot Survive On Self Quarantine Alone Dalmatian Covid-19 Shirt. Like the stereotypical fighter pilot radio banter voice quality in every movie and cutscene. “Read the winning launch orders. Vector, locked in. I just use the mic built into the Bose QC 35 II headphones.
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I’ve never actually listened to what my own voice sounds like through it, but from hearing others through the same mic, it’s not quite as fighter-pilots as I’d like. That’s basically what I’ve been doing. My hobby is music. The hardest issue I’ve run into is realizing that while practice makes perfect, sometimes you just gotta accept yourself for your natural sound. I have a natural Alto range but it sounds really bad by itself if I’m not feeling it, much better suited for backup harmony. It doesn’t take much to sound whiney. Solo only works around the tenor level personally. Finding your sweet spot goes along ways. It’s a relationship.
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