Never did anything Apple I’m A Mom A Grandma And A Retired Teacher Nothing Scares Me Shirt of made people think he could probably snap our necks in two seconds. He could draw a perfect circle freehand on the chalkboard. There was always a rumor that the head janitor was a huge pothead and would smoke with students in one of the storage sheds away from the main building. I always figured it was bullshit until my friend CJ sent me a pic of him and the janitor smoking weed while surrounded by folding chairs. When I was a in 4th grade this new kid came to school, and he way gay. Like flaming, stereotypical, where-are-the-cameras-because-this-is-90s-sitcom-gay, gay. Most of us hadn’t even started puberty yet, but still, this little boy was gay.
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He liked doing Apple I’m A Mom A Grandma And A Retired. Teacher Nothing Scares Me Shirt athletic, kinda nerdy so we got along really well. The persistent (but never proven) rumor was that he just spent the time masturbating. Anytime you ever see this guy, he’s doing this sort of slow waddle through the school and you’d wonder how anyone could be expected to keep people safe when that’s their physical condition. One day years into my time there, I was in the lunchroom just nerding out with some friends when all of a sudden clear through the usual din you just hear this voice shout out something like “NOW YOU GONNA FUCKING DIE!” and I remember looking over in the direction it came from, to see this hand rise out of the mess of students to flick open a knife.
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