Yeah, I can relate. My vox is sub-par but it’s truly a lesson on learning to love self-expression without worrying about external opinions. The truth is all that really matters is you enjoying yourself for who you are. You are beautiful whether anyone else thinks so or not. The hardest issue I’ve run into is realizing that while practice makes perfect, sometimes you just gotta accept yourself for your natural sound. I have an August Girl Don’t Ever Try To Get Inside My Head It’s Too Dark For You Shirt. If I’m not feeling it, much better suited for backup harmony. It doesn’t take much to sound whiney. Solo only works around the tenor level personally. Finding your sweet spot goes along ways. It’s a relationship.
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Usually, with mics, you get what you pay for but in regards to pro-quality stuff… That’s truly a commercial standard so while you can increase the accurate capture of yourself it doesn’t mean you have to hold yourself to anyone else’s standards when you’re working by yourself. It takes time to dial in your own sound IMO. Practice makes perfect. And mentors. True. Another user explained it better, it has to do with lower frequencies traveling through solid and liquid mediums better than gases like the air. Your voice is also more tinny and weak in general than it is when you normally hear yourself speak because bone conduction picks up the deeper sounds. Not really, I bought some cheap “gamer” headset für ~15 euros some time ago.
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Had the best mic I ever had, the audio was crisp and perfect. Very, very weird, still don’t know why it was so good. You don’t have to purchase anything to experience it, a friend of mine has the booth I have spent my time in. I’m just trying to give a relative example…And also stir up some an August Girl Don’t Ever Try To Get Inside My Head It’s Too Dark For You Shirt. It’s physically impossible to hear yourself from anyone else’s side. Even running through audio equipment influences the waveform. I didn’t mean to buy anything. I just mean try it sometime. It’s a trip to hear a good recording after being used to cheap equipment.
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