It would be telling if he killed himself by shooting himself somewhere other than his head, that has been the message with Awesome Ich Bin Und Werde Immer Ein Solinger Sein Shirt. Just terrible. Maybe be less of an obtuse jerky redditor and realize that words aren’t defined solely by the governing body who put them on paper. no matter what, personal context is more important in the meaning of any word. Here see I called you obtuse, it doesn’t mean that you’re an angle greater than 90 degrees. Maybe look up the meaning before replying… According to the Investigative Assistance for Violent Crimes Act of 2012, a “mass shooting” is simply defined as a shooting that kills three or more people, not including the shooter. Not so sure about that…. When did the mass shootings stop or slow down in your opinion?
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They seem to go on daily IMHO. It is just which ones get good press coverage. Every major city gets 1-2 killings a day. You Awesome Ich Bin Und Werde. Immer Ein Solinger Sein Shirt. Yeah, I find it suspicious that the Republicans now have a boogeyman to focus on, so we won’t notice all the bullshit they’re doing in the background. Oh, and you KNOW that arms manufacturers are gonna be seeing huge spikes in sales. Seems awfully convenient for both those groups. Right, because guns aren’t the problem. Definitions are the real problem. If only people defined gun murders properly we can still ignore the fact that way more people are murdered in America by guns than any other western nation. Mate come on at least find stats that back up your shite. Sure from these stats it does look like the drug killed more people.
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