In high school, they locked the bathrooms in between periods so students wouldn’t hide… more Awesome Jesus American Flag Shirt in the halls. My school did this too. Lines stretched around the building for the girl’s toilets every day and we were always late to class. But teachers would rarely allow bathroom use during class (each class was 1 hour and 40 minutes long). My school took all the doors off of the stalls so I actually started using the one closest to the sinks and urinals butt-ass naked. We had a mirror set up on the sink that faced the stall, so I could actually see other students while butt naked on the toilet. It was perfectly hilarious because I went to a tiny military school (200ish kids), so I knew everyone that came in.
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Only took a handful of kids talking in common areas laughing about Walkmanity being naked in. The stall Awesome Jesus American Flag Shirt office. I went to a K-8 school, so kids as young as 4. The boys were threatened with having their bathroom “privileges” revoked entirely once. Because boys from a specific grade were throwing wet paper towels at the ceiling and doing graffiti . That’s how we knew it was the 6th grade boys specifically). It didn’t come to pass but I always wondered what the. Plan was if they’d gone through. With it and kindergarten boys started peeing themselves left and right. My high school did similar things, except it was male and female bathrooms. The only ones they kept unlocked were on the top floor in the middle of the building in which a teacher was always in there.
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