Thy. Neighbor. Period, end of commandment. It’s not “only love them if they have sex the way you want them to.” For fuck’s sake. That is so Awesome Just A Girl Who Loves Peckers Chicken Shirt. I’m atheist now but went to catholic school and had to take multiple CCD type classes. It actually lays out in the catechism (basically a Question and Answer style rule book) that ANY kind of sex where either it’s impossible to get pregnant, or pregnancy is being actively prevented (condoms, birth control,etc.) is all the SAME level of “sin”. Now some Catholics really don’t ever use birth control and just have a shit ton of kids, but I’m gonna venture a guess that most have used birth control at some point. Being LGBT is not a sin in the eyes of the church. I mean I kind of understand because given. The track record who wants to try stopping the next Buddha or Jesus?
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They released a statement saying it is okay to be LGBT and even live with a same sex partner as long as you refrain from any Awesome Just A Girl Who Loves. Peckers Chicken Shirt it. It’s still a stupid as hell statement. Though it was included that LGBT people should be accepted and loved as everyone else. It’s just all kinds of wrong what he told you. It’s not even accurate church teachings which while still not great at least don’t call for actively hating LGBT people. However in America (and probably elsewhere) we have this weird notion that anyone can hold a valid theological viewpoint. So that gives everyone and their Uncle Cletus the right to say that Sodom & Gomorrah means “God Hates F*gs” even though if you actually REALLY understood the text it just means God hates people that would abuse guests.
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