Yes, and that doesn’t make a riot good. Riots are still emblematic of groups not being heard. Then they aren’t an Awesome Not My Sniffer President Trump Biden Election Shirt. But some good things can happen following one. They shouldn’t require a riot and riots can also lead to far worse laws if those in power have a reason to keep ignoring them. Dog my ideal utopia isn’t a series of burning city centers. Morally good, riots are morally good and the negative connotation is propaganda. Used to disparage attempts at fomenting solidarity for the downtrodden. So I also remember it being referred to as a race riot by relatives. Which did seem to imply it was a 2 sided fight. Seven people were injured, four of which were burnt from the benches they set on fire. So good. So happy. Thank you so much.
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I never said that was your ideal, I’m saying riots aren’t inherently good in any meaning of the Awesome Not My Sniffer President. Trump Biden Election Shirt. There can be good effects or the powers that be can ramp up enforcement of whatever sparked the riot because it plays well with their Awesome Not My Sniffer President Trump Biden Election Shirt. AKA exactly what Trump has been doing. If this was happening in the 1960s, without the. Widespread access to cell phone video and independent reporting. I bet it would have been a massive boon to Trump. Good for who? Certainly, not the communities affected by them, that’s for sure. The rioters were just spreading the word of god! So I don’t have a problem with uniformed law enforcement in unmarked cars arresting rioters. I’ve seen dozens of videos of cops gassing and shooting at peaceful protests.
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