I don’t like filler and I prefer conversations that are engaging. I don’t care if the topic is current. Events or a meme, I can’t stand it. When people speak a lot but cannot actively listen to others. I have been in way too many settings where the Awesome Rick Sanchez Science Is Wise Follow It’s Advice Fuck You Shirt. With different people desperately trying to become the center of attention or be the “funny one” of the group. It’s exhausting. And when it becomes obvious to me that people are just speaking over each other, I will completely stop talking. Why should I fight to get a word in, when I know no one is really listening? Waste of words. My family constantly talks, IM the quiet one. If my sister is not filling every blank in conversation there is something seriously wrong. Like “grandma is dead” wrong.
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So I can be a fly on the wall and really observe who people are, identify who the most competitive speaker is. People are interesting! I don’t mind silence. It never makes me feel uncomfortable. Natural introvert here. Then I’ve adapted to it over the years, think it’s called ambivert now. For an Awesome Rick Sanchez Science. Is Wise Follow It’s Advice Fuck You Shirt I’ve been responding to that question with “Why are you so loud? I think the fact that most people aren’t answering the question at hand indicates that the reason is simply to hear the sound of their own voice. I think some people think us quiet people are either boring/snobby or want to be included but are too shy. The reality is if I have something to say I’ll say it and find it easy to converse with people I’m comfortable around, not those who try to force it or point the finger because they don’t understand. I’m happy to work in silence. Sogood. So happy. Thank you so much.
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