Team work. I live alone. I change my clothes and do laundry only when necessary, not when society in general deems it to be. If I wear the same tee shirt, socks etc, all week, who’s to know or care? Awesome Trophy Husband Shirt, it’s fine! Living in an apartment complex trying to time your need to do laundry with other’s really sucks. I have to go down two flights of stairs outside to the garages to do mine. Plus it costs money. And if I have to do multiple loads/washes/dries…welp, it costs money. I can never wash my blankets. If my animals piss or barf of anything, I have to spot clean. Man, I wish I had a washer and dryer in the unit. We parked down to a few of each article of clothing for each person and just do laundry daily.
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We have 5 kids and the only way we can keep up is literally doing a load every day. We used to just let it pile up Awesome Trophy Husband Shirt have a massive laundry day/weekend, but it was just so stressful and we had SO MANY clothes. I will never rent anywhere without a washer again. My last apt had a “community laundry room” that closed at 6pm (????) So I was in sketch laundry mats half the night. commuting an hour. While in college. While working full time. My mom came to help me move and it took 7 of the giant laundry mat loads to catch me up – Anything non-essential was thrown in baskets/hampers. We don’t run out of clean clothes and we done have a ton of laundry because letting it pile up isn’t an option.
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