That was special. “You can just go straight home, young man. And we won’t call your parents to Awesome What I Do I Lift Weights I Hate People And I Know Things Shirt . And we won’t be sending your homework from your missed classes, you’ll just be excused from it and have to live without the extra education. How do you like that? Oh, you have a test in 9th period? Well, I guess you’ll have to take it tomorrow in an empty room all by yourself with nobody to keep you company. Now, if you could do me a favor and on your way out, dispose of all this confiscated alcohol, cigarettes, pornography, and marijuana. The janitor is off today. Not really a “rule,” but a change in policy. I used to work for a major beer distributor as a delivery driver.
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They decided to start using less glue in Awesome What I Do I Lift Weights I Hate People And I Know Things Shirt. As a result, breakage during distribution increased drastically causing them to eat a lot more damaged product. It caused such a large loss in profit that they quickly changed course. Been there, some accountant at my oldest job though they were a genius switching our aircraft grease with automotive grease on rotating equipment that runs from 3000 (okay) up to 50000 rpm (not even close to okay). Saved several hundred bucks per case that first month, fuzed the shafts on 30-40 turbo compressors the same month. Not to mention the hundreds of production units in storage that has. To be disassembled and degreased then regressed and reassembled all. While we were already doing record OT. Now it could be the accountant was the CFO, in. Which case it is their job to cut costs and find stuff like that. But on the other hand they should certainly know to ask the question.
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