. He can pump and dump all he wants. As someone who is holding GME, the whole Reddit stock community (specifically WSB and superstock). Is Beer I Saved Tonight It Was Stuck In A Bottle It’s Ok Now Shirt cool (fucking over hedge. Funds), pumped it full of shitty memes, and are in the process of circle-jerking it to death as we speak.. Musk is a hardcore capitalist, who does not think any rule really applies to him. He is just doing ‘cool stuff. I remember how he was lauded as a ‘national treasure’. Under every Reddit post that featured him. He build a flamethrower? Well, forget about how environmentally bad. Tesla’s production is (cobalt, water). For cryptocurrency to have the chance to. Become widely accepted actual currency (ironic, I know),
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He does not care about green energy for a minute, neither does he care about basic rules of business. . This has to stop. Holy shit out of all the mega rich this guy isn’t. The Beer I Saved Tonight It Was Stuck In. A Bottle It’s Ok Now Shirt. His net worth.. He wants something done and has the capability to make it happen. Elon’s not evil? Factory and look at his response. SHe didn’t take it seriously for a second. He had a “get off my property you insects” all over his face. Elon is the evilest business guy there currently is.. The government will take taxes. And the business that accept it have a responsibility to report transactions…
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