Life has its boring, melancholy, seemingly endless periods but I think it’s that forward momentum and motivation to clear it that is actually healthy. I feel the same way you do right now and yet I’ve got lots of important and healthy things on the horizon. I need to reach that horizon and Being A Mother Butterfly Is Flower My Happily Ever After Shirt. There’s a lot in life that exhausts you and when there’s a lot going on, no matter how proud you think you should feel, sometimes you just wish things could be more simple and you could just coast for a while. You’re probably gonna be tempted to turn to drugs soon enough. Some of them legitimately might help. But thanks to the lack of support and education caused by their legal status. It’s a slippery slope into an even worse state.
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All I’ll say is do your research before taking anything and do it in a safe environment. You know, I felt similar for a very long time. I’m currently 32 and felt like I was on autopilot really until a Being A Mother Butterfly Is Flower My Happily Ever After Shirt. It’s not easy to break out of and therapy will help. That is what got me on track, but what really got me was finding something I’m passionate about which funny enough ended up being D&D, or at least it feels that way (I’ve only been at it for about a year). I’ve been having a lot of fun with it. Point being, go to therapy to help you organize yourself internally. And find something you really enjoy doing to apply yourself to. BIG point I want to mention, IT IS OKAY IF IT TAKES AWHILE. Again, I didn’t find it till later in life, but hey, I found it.
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