In addition, oil rigs are not very high above sea level. This leaves them susceptible to huge distortions from atmospheric fluctuations. We currently do have technologies like adaptive optics. That fire lasers into the atmosphere to detect a Black Cat 2020 The Year When Shit Got Real Quarantined Shirt. But the less we need them, the better, which is why telescopes are typically as high up as possible. Furthermore, the climate on an oil rig is pretty variable. Think of the Atacama Desert in Chile – that’s a really appropriate site for a telescope because it is stable, high up. And has an almost constant climate barring the day/night cycle.
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A shifting pattern of weather and pressure and storms would render it mostly useless for a large portion of the year. And, therefore, a bit of a crap investment. While putting telescopes on oil rigs may seem like a good idea to improve coverage, the utility would decrease so much as to render them effectively useless. In the movie Armageddon, they only had like 18 days or something. In the movie Deep Impact they detected it I think 2 years out. That might be enough time to at least try and do something. The farther out and the more time we have the more potential there is to alter its course somehow.
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There is any number of ways the idea is you can impart even a tiny amount of thrust over a long time scale that would be enough. Not only nukes and stuff but other things like potentially painting an asteroid a different color so it reflects the sun to a different degree. Over enough time that could be enough to alter the trajectory away from a Black Cat 2020 The Year When Shit Got Real Quarantined Shirt. I know we’d likely just splatter white material on one side. But I’m imagining a little space drone painting some happy trees on an asteroid right now. So advanced it blew out Goa’uld (enemy) space ships (Khattak vessels) within range. Asteroids were nothing.
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