I’ve had compared to the girl ones and generally, women share their feelings. And thoughts more than the typical guy. I was largely raised by mom so had a very close bond. And I’ve tended to be a lot more talkative. Ad open when it Black Cat My Life Is Ruled By Tiny Furry Overlord Shirt it’s different with everyone. Interesting to see if it’s actually true. It don’t think it’s insulting. I am talkative. If you’re a talkative guy as well isn’t that already 2 exceptions. To the idea guys are closed off on average? I was raised by my mom too. She’s talkative. You could say that’s why a guy would be talkative. He’s raised by his mom – but that would indicate talkativeness. As attributable to nurture over nature. don’t think I’m super interested but.
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Sure there are lots of guys who maybe aren’t talkative or even emotionally open, but that’s. Hardly a law of physics, and in my experience not true at all. Just because my friends and I enjoy shooting. The shit, I wouldn’t assume Black Cat My Life Is Ruled By Tiny Furry Overlord Shirt. It just seems like an unnecessary assumption that doesn’t actually clarify anything. Every relationship is a case-by-case scenario, and if you’re talking about how two people bond, it’s really a discussion about two individuals. I’ve known many a quiet girl and guys who talk a mile a minute. Those are qualities attributable to the individual, not their gender. Seems weird to me that you’re taking it as an insult that women are more talkative. I don’t see it as insulting it’s just an observation based on all the guy friends
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