That being said, your daughter’s future and life are her decision. And she is of an age that those decisions can be TOUGH, to say the least. Don’t push her away by resenting her for not going to the school you wanted her to go to and she thought she wanted to go to. She’s so young. It’s one of those decisions. Where you as a Books Make Me Homesick For Places I’ve Never Been And Fall For People I’ve Never Met Shirt. When you will hope that someone helps you decide. Been there, done that. It has never left me even though I’m 23. To every decision, I always see the downsides and then don’t want either option. If I’m choosing between cherry pie and chocolate cake. And I think I want the cherry pie, I’m not going to feel more confident in my decision if you’re standing behind me and talking shit about chocolate cake.
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She’s scared and stressed out and doesn’t know what to do. The solution isn’t to try and push her into one choice. Or the other, but to give her space and support so she can feel confident in her choice. The money you spent did not go to waste. You raised an incredibly hard-working and intelligent kid who is going to be WAY ahead of her peers when she gets to school. Her grades will be better as a Books Make Me Homesick For Places I’ve Never Been And Fall For People I’ve Never Met Shirt. She’ll probably be able to qualify for lots of scholarships, too. On the not pushing her away front, you may want to help her get perspective other than that website, without pressuring her, so she can make an informed decision.
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The admissions office can likely put her in touch with current students the Books Make Me Homesick For Places I’ve Never Been And Fall For People I’ve Never Met Shirt. Anonymous venting websites rarely present a full picture. I heard a ton of similar stories about the competitiveness of law school. Including saboteurs, that scared the hell out of me before I went. And I never experienced any of it. It should be her decision. But you can always encourage her to do more research. They accept less than 1% which tends to keep out just smart, hardworking people.
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