I have a database that uses Dachshund Lovers Dogaholic Road To Recovery Just Kidding I’m On The Road Adopt More Dogs Shirt. The frickin’ colours failed only to find out any that started with a zero were now only 5 characters long. What was the thinking behind this? Shouldn’t it be the default and anyone who wants to drop it needs to. Go in and do all the changes. If I put a zero at the start, I want a zero at the start!!!! The dev team actually passed it off to feedback. Like that helps. Thanks for posting this! Most of the time this function is only used when someone failed to save, and normally naming a document is part of that saving process. This means that you end up with a list of recovered documents.
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I figured it out Dachshund Lovers Dogaholic Road To Recovery. Just Kidding I’m On The Road Adopt More Dogs Shirt. was she was generating a .csv file to import. Into another system, her boss would open it (where. Excel “helpfully” changed the date format), and he’d save the file which would now have the wrong format. I showed her how to read the .csv directly and sure enough, she had been doing everything exactly right on her part. So she trained her boss to not fuck things up, and she reported his behavior. The “hey, it looks like you’re using a number in text. How about you fix that?” thing pops up and it drives me crazy. Omg, this drove me nuts this morning.
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