No need to Det Kanske Ser Ut Som I Mitt Huvud Jag Grejar I Tradgarden Shirt text by default a selectable option. The fewer times I have to choose Paste Special and then select from a list of options, or copy/paste first into Notepad and then re-copy into Excel, the happier I’ll be! Cuong, Emmanuel, Howie, Tom, and anyone else I may have missed; The whole world uses excel every day, as do I. Thanks for your work and your intellect! I think I was about 8 years old back in ’92 when I first learned to use excel. Hope you all fared well through the covid! We don’t hate each other. We try to act like One Microsoft. It’s just hard to be even 99% consistent when coordinating across the spectrum of products and teams, and we haven’t perfected it yet.
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Comes to adding Det Kanske Ser Ut Som I Mitt Huvud. Jag Grejar I Tradgarden Shirt and selecting insert on a column/row inserts however many were selected previous to clicking insert rather than giving the option of inserting above or below as well as a specific number to be inserted. As for the pasting as value, CTRL+Shift+V on GSheets simply pastes all of the values rather than the exact contents. Where in excel that hotkey doesn’t exist and isn’t bound. Maybe I just don’t understand Excel enough, but I have to manually right click and paste as value in order to perform the same task. Is there already a keybind function that allows me to add this hotkey to that task? When I copy/paste, e.g., from a website into Excel, I almost always just want the plain text, not any attributes/font/link, etc.!
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