Is that from something? Cause I may have just woken up but that was kinda funny to read and I’d like more, please. Always see people talk about problems after eating spicy food or tacos. Never once had such problems in my entire life and spicy food is my jam. Probably has more to do with shoddy hygiene practices, a lot of fast food places have. Since most people talking about taco regret is talking about Taco Bell, maybe the Drinkers Pampling Not Drink 6 Feet Back Motherfucker Shirt. Spicy food isn’t my jam yet I have had zero intestinal problems after eating spicy food. Yeah, don’t know why so many people here on Reddit have problems, a bunch of weaklings.
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This has absolutely nothing to do with the price and everything to do with caring about the food you make. Tacos are still kinda rare here in Germany, or good tacos and cheap tacos are rare at least. When I went to Madrid a few years ago I stumbled upon a taco place where every taco was 1€ (very cheap IMO) and they were great. The best ones even tie off the salsa in the same sandwich bags they use for your cocaine order. Two of my coworkers have family from El Salvador, and occasionally they’ll go around and take orders for homemade pupusas. The pupusas and the salsa in the tied off little baggies are so goddamn delicious. They make a little money, and we all get to sit around during lunch and eat some bangin’ pupusas.
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Nope, the more I drink, the better alcohol tastes, but the more tacos I eat, the sense of fullness overtakes the taste. Do you reckon it had anything to do with the participants being excited about getting more expensive free wine? Not only that. They also gave wine science students white wine that was dyed with red food coloring. They couldn’t tell the Drinkers Pampling Not Drink 6 Feet Back Motherfucker Shirt. This reeks of nonsense. I hate wine and definitely think wine tasting is incredibly snobby, but white and red clearly taste different. Pepsi and Coke taste clearly different. If you served people Coke from a Pepsi bottle without giving them.
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