Which then means the Dyslexia The One Where It’s A Different Ability Not A Disability Shirt a numerical axis a histogram would have where numbers are on the tick marks and the tick marks are between the bars. It’s also extremely common to draw a histogram and a line graph on the same set of axes, which excel makes impossible. I always have to draw two separate graphs, make one transparent and faff around trying to exactly overlay them and line the axes up. Conditional Formatting? As someone who uses VBA with Excel professionally, Conditional Formatting is my biggest pet peeve as it’s an incredibly useful visual tool but is also the major cause of crashing Excel. I realize that the vast majority of users don’t know what they are doing. It might be possible to fudge them with bar charts, but this invariably means having a category axis.
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But it would be nice to Dyslexia The One Where It’s A Different Ability Not A Disability Shirt. “I will change this data because I know better than you”. Please leave my leading zeros alone, my timestamps are not dates, sometimes my text looks like exponentials but it’s not. And for gods sake, give me the ability to export text delimited files where I can define quoting and delimiter characters. I’m new at using excel. So, I use MacOS for personal stuff and Windows for work. Why the interface from both is so different? Sometimes I need a specific button and is hidden in. MacOS or it has a feature that it’s really hard to find on Windows. Why they can’t look the same? Google sheets and on excel, and unless I’m unaware of certain hotkeys, it is much harder and much less intuitive when it
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