I’m not a people person. I have a small group I’m comfortable with tend to avoid larger groups Everybody Has An Addiction Mine Just Happens To Be Sons Of Anarchy Shirt shy I am. If it’s work I can switch to being all outgoing, but I much rather keep to myself. K just wish more people understood that not everyone has to entertain them when they speak. “Listen bitch, if you knew what was running through my head, you would WANT. Me to stay quiet, because i would fuck up your life.” Genuine confusion about why you’re. So relatively quiet, paired with not understanding that it’s impolite to ask so directly. Though I wouldn’t describe myself as extroverted in broader society, within my own family I’m in the more extroverted side, and I remember feeling this as a kid when I was hanging out 1×1 with my older brother.
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While it’s too blunt of a question, if you do get asked it, I would recommend a bit of “fake it till you make it”. Basically just confidently reply as if their intent was any of the above. Unless you have hard Everybody Has An Addiction Mine Just Happens To Be Sons Of Anarchy Shirt with someone (no misunderstandings, but actual like… they insulted you), it’s probably best to assume that they’re clumsily trying to put you at ease or at least make sure there’s not something going on that they should know about and help with. If you are an extrovert, and you just really care about your friends, try to ask better. More nuanced questions and learn the patterns of your friends. I run out of steam pretty quickly when it feels. Like the spotlights on me, so I try to avoid it. I kind of loathe feeling like I have to “perform”.
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