Followed you here from the Semi-Weekly thread. I wish you could’ve been allowed to post this there, more people should get to see this, it’s great! Thanks, I thought it had enough horological merit to post there, but it is satire. Maybe they will let me one day? Good point, I did forget that one. Have to the Funny Dadpool Definition Like A Dad Only Cooler Vintage Shirt. I liked the look of nomos but what puts me off is when my friends who aren’t into watches will Google it and the first thing that will pop up is a $2 watch from China. It’s just a joke, really hitting on all brands I know. Longines is actually a great choice for the price, very classy. Tudor is doing really well nowadays if you want something sportier with good movements.
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I love the Longines style personally. It’s a great watch. Your best bets are probably Longines, Nomos, Tudor, and Funny Dadpool Definition Like A Dad Only Cooler Vintage Shirt. I was expecting all of them to be normal and then Seiko’s description would just say “Pure class“. You like the look of the cheap Timex watches at Walmart but feel a mighty need to spend 20x more money for it, so you buy a Khaki Field. Gotta love hard working contractors and their Subs/Datejusts. Two-Tone is coming back! I think the Hublot one is the most accurate. Whenever I see one I’m always thinking, God you have the money you don’t have to wear that! I’m really interested in what you would have to say about Paris.
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You are an NBA player who is forced to wear it due to league contractual agreements. Love how accurate it seems, this is really some thought out shit. You brought an unprecedented amount of positivity to this sub, cheers! Not Russian, but I know quite a few and am fond of the culture. It’s simply the last acceptable ethnic group/nationality you can make fun of in the USA. Thanks for the kind sentiments! Marathon: You’re in the military but you hate digital watches and only wear mechanical but you need something your superiors can’t criticize for being unsuitable while on the job. Then it’s really a nice shirt for all men and women. So you should buy this shirt. Thank you so much.
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