I had recorded an odd, stupid, funny-to-me voicemail when I was around 20. I changed phones a bunch of times but always had everything moved over to the new phone for me. Never had second thoughts about the message. A few years ago my brother, or mom or some mentioned how silly it was. I listened to it and had a mini heart attack thinking of all the Funny Fik Erf You Sad Pathtic Winker Shirt come through my voicemail over the years cause I was always working and almost never was able to answer my Johns until later. My goodness, it was an awful realization. Yeah, maybe don’t be that person who uses their middle/high school email as an adult. We had someone in my lab whose email was “Aquagirl” with her birth year because she was a swimmer.
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It was a bit hard to submit their contact information to publish a paper with a straight face. When I was a teen and had one of my first mobile phones (back in the early 2000s), I created my own voicemail message saying “Hey all you bitches and motherfuckers, leave me a message”. Was mortified when my mum left me a message, voicing her Funny Fik Erf You Sad Pathtic Winker Shirts… I mean, in general, PLEASE take the time to set up your voicemail and add even a basic greeting that confirms who you are. I work for a medical clinic and it’s really off-putting to get the generic robot voice greeting that just repeats the phone number and doesn’t verify that I’m leaving a message for the person I think I am. It’s even worse when the person’s voicemail hasn’t been set up/activated in the first place. So I have a personalized voicemail if I’m job hunting. Otherwise…
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