It’s a shame if people think otherwose, but that’s their loss. It must be sad associating quietness with nervousness. As someone who’s kinda middle of the road extrovert/introvert, people that say that Funny Flamingo This Gigi Loves Her Grandkids To The Moon And Back Shirt to have a conversation but don’t have anything to say. It’s essentially saying “let’s have a conversation. You start,” but much ruder. “What did you do during the weekend?” and “What have you planned for this weekend?” are not easy questions. First, I have to remember what I did during the aforementioned weekend of yours or if I have any plans respectivelly, then to decide what parts to omit according to the person who asks the question, and at the end I have to present it in a coherent manner.
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The issue is that people always assume its because the person is shy or nervous, a lot of people just don’t like people, or just like quiet, or don’t want to waste mental energy small talking with someone they Funny Flamingo This Gigi Loves Her. Grandkids To The Moon And Back Shirt will never see again. For real!! Saying that puts someone on the spot, it’s actually kinda rude and there is no good way to respond to it. Or “I like to listen before I speak”, or “what would you like to talk about?” But in all reality I wish that this would be more widely seen as rude. Yes! My ex-boyfriend’s entire family would just pause mid-conversation and all look at me while one says “okay, now say something”. Drove me bonkers. Ask a legit question, don’t put me on the spot. See I get this, but at the same time when you’re always around a person that never talks, it gets kind of old allllwaaayysss having to ask these questions just to get them to talk. Idk maybe I’m just being mean.
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