I’m aware of it. I’ve Funny Forget Princess I Want To Be A Scientist Shirt with this is that you still have the apostrophe in the data when you’re done. Just because Excel hides it from your vision doesn’t mean it’s not there. You’ll even see it in the cell context under the ribbon. If the file is in the end-state that will only be worked by you, then perhaps, but you still have the task of removing it when you’re done. A work-around to get Excel to do something it should be able to do easily (such as importing the data as TEXT instead of as NUM) doesn’t deter from the fact that it’s a QOL update that is direly needed. If you’re using leading zeros, you’re using numbers wrong (except if you do non-base 10 stuff in Excel).
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There are two options Funny Forget Princess I Want To Be A Scientist Shirt to TEXT, or in the case that it applies to an ID-esque datatype, then you can use External ID. Yes…but do you want to do this every time you create a .csv and open it? You have to understand. Not all CSVs that are worked with are created manually. I certainly don’t feel the desire to modify X number of fields every time. I work with a file generated this way just because I have data that uses preceding zeroes. As I’ve mentioned to others, it’s also a great way to have another user screw it up somewhere down the line. If you’re saying Excel should treat 01234. As a string value rather than a number for displa. Or at least to use the format I described on the number, that might be acceptable. But it would probably trip someone else up, who knows.
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