Thanks for the awesome write-up. I finally have enough gear to tackle the elemental Tetris portions of the trials and then while trying Neo Stag, I failed short of a bit to kill him using the double King Rain method. I remembered then, I pulled a Funny Game Of Thrones Mother Of An Autism Warrior Shirt. LB chains with Rains. Even as 6 stars, he reached nice damage and bulk, enough to help the other two spots of rain to max out the chain and easily kill Elafikeras on turn 4. Also, the one ticket with Elafikeras brought me back to 8 UPCs again, so I’ll make him my next project probably.
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Also, Xon will probably be the star of many Dark Visions post, since you can’t bring a friend and all. I feel like the charts and tables ended up overshadowing the videos. The I had a lot of fun recording the videos and picking the songs. I just pulled my second Xon recently off-banner and was pleased. But I’m at a Funny Game Of Thrones Mother Of An Autism Warrior Shirt. While this post is excellent for giving me some options, I still have no idea how to gear him. Is his ATK value even important? I saw where some stated he was good for evasion tanking, which I assume would involve evasion gear and auto-provoke. Seems like that would take away slots I could use for killers etc, right? Yeah, if you want to use him as a damage dealer he won’t benefit from provoking gear.
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It wasn’t anything personal against Lucas. He got me through Tel-Fulsanis as both my tank and my number. He and a few other units ended up getting cut from the post. I’ve been on again off again writing this post since February. This list, minus Ifrit Rain which I added in just now, was originally going to be part of the post. This is a fantastic post! I will definitely be referring to this once dark visions are released. Thank you for all your hard work! Does this only apply to active buffs on units or does Xon also steal passive ones? Thinking about killers here.
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