I imagine she got lectured by her husband because she texted DH and apologized and seemed to accept that she messed up. But DH and I agree that doesn’t entitle her to see our son anytime soon. Luckily she lives so far away that it’s not Funny In A World Full Of Princesses Be A Cowgirl Shirt. Even if we could, I don’t care. Nothing outranks my son’s health and safety. I can’t imagine how any parent would think taking a baby out in 100-degree weather for an entire day would be a good idea. But I guess people are just stupid. That poor, poor baby. I’m 34, and I don’t even want to go outside in hot weather. I’ve never done well with heat (hence why I will never move down south), and I avoid it as much as I can.
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Knowing it likely was not malicious, she seems to feel bad, etc. I still am not ready to forgive. And even if I did, I wouldn’t forget, and I wouldn’t trust her with my son. I get that maybe by trying to be respectful to your MIL you don’t wanna kick her out Funny In A World Full Of Princesses Be A Cowgirl Shirt. She is a danger to your kid and yall seem better off without her. I’d flat out tell your DH, “If it were up to your mother, our son would be dead. As far as I’m concerned, she’s dead. I don’t talk to, see, or visit with dead people. Nor does our child. She will never, EVER get another chance to kill him.” Thank you so much.
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