The problem is: This subreddit is veiled negativity, and the veil is a meme. A meme about the behavior of a certain type of person. This subreddit makes fun of that behavior. That behavior is Upward and Downward Comparison as a mechanism to boost self-esteem. This subreddit looks down on people that have Funny Keep Calm And Love Elephants Shirt. I am not sure that making memes is doing anything to solve the issue. If you are not trying to solve the issue, then what is this sub doing? having a laugh at their expense? A harmless laugh right? maybe harmless for you. It’s just another outlet for Reddit to be misogynistic, the incels had to go somewhere after the ban. Thank you so much. Ok.
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Well, I think the majority of girls went through that phase, so it’s just funny in retrospect. If some real “other girl” finds this subreddit (not one that just likes things that aren’t popular, but thinks that liking unpopular things makes her better than other girls), sooner she realizes her behaviors are toxic, the better. That being said – some things, like this meme, don’t really belong to this subreddit and are also toxic. At Funny Keep Calm And Love Elephants Shirt. Where’s the equivalent subreddit for men? I’m sure it exists but it’s not nearly as popular, since Reddit loves to find reasons to hate women. I don’t hang around this subreddit a lot so I can’t say it’s definitely not misogynistic, but if you want to go the full nine yards then the whole “not like the other girls” thing could easily be seen.
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