I was flying a sign with a guy once, who walked away to take a piss. The moment he was gone, he crept in to harass me. Another Funny Trashin Through The Snow Ugly Christmas Shirt, I had an old drunkard propose to me with a ring pop from Dollar Tree after getting down on all fours and pretending to drink out of my dogs’ water bowl. He wouldn’t stop asking for my number, while I had to lie and pretend I was dating the guy traveling with me. Many men don’t respect women. They only respect ‘another man’s property.’ I realize I sound like a mega-cunt feminist right now. I swear, I’m just trying to relay my honest experiences. I knew some men that are just the greatest people out there. But when you’re on the streets, you’re not often interacting with the cream of the crop. People will be gross to you.
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I know having a dog makes it harder to find work and get into housing. But the right dog will also keep you safe. I’ve lost out on opportunities specifically because my dog was being protective (not aggressive, but defensive). These are not opportunities you want anyway. Dogs can read people, and you can read them if you pay attention. If my dog specifically doesn’t like someone, it’s because they have bad intentions for me or they Funny Trashin Through The Snow Ugly Christmas Shirts on hard drugs. Rescued mutts + experience on the road = wonderful fucking companions. That’s my advice on the matter. I don’t want my dog to be too friendly. We are trying to survive together. Even if a dog isn’t intimidating enough to halt someone in their tracks, a little yapper can give you a heads up if something is amiss.
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