My ancestor on the Dawes Rolls is my Great Great Grandfather, a white man who married a Cherokee woman. The commission fought against enrolling her for 7 years. Even though they had Good I’m A Mom Grandma And A Great-grandma Nothing Scares Me Shirt. Tribal citizens and Tribal lawyers testify on her behalf. She died in those 7 years, and eventually. The commission told my GGGrandfather that they would recognize him. And their children’s citizenship only if they stopped trying to get her enrolled. So yea, my first thought was to roll my eyes at Kyrie smudging a court. At the same time, Native communities have a lot of anti-blackness to confront. And ignoring these biases while Freedman is still fighting for Tribal. Citizenship guaranteed to them in treaties is damaging to every. Culture and everyone struggling to reconnect.
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Yeah and I honestly might be overselling how much she was native. This girl was white as fuck (in family tradition and complexion) and definitely had no ties to that side of her heritage. She Good I’m A Mom Grandma And A Great-grandma Nothing Scares Me Shirt just went through the hoops for the scholarship lol. Whoaaaaaaaaa really? That’s dope. I’m not gonna debate people here bc I don’t have time to walk through all. The research and study (for example) that proves what Kyrie is doing has a tangible effect. The real world, but if ppl are curious I’m happy to explain why he’s probably doing this. Magick is real, but it’s not “magic”—he’s not trying to win the lotto or. Even win the game by doing this, but he is going back to a location. Spiritual/quantum material is deeply affected by geography). Where he has a lot of built-up negative energy.
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