We already knew where that was going to go. This is supposed to be the big night but it hasn’t been a good one so far. It feels Good Jesus Rock Band Merry Christmas Shirt. I disagree about it being cheaply produced. I think the production value is high and apparent. It’s been pretty darn seamless so far, the pacing is fluid, and the speeches are pretty on point. The speeches are telling you what you want to hear. Most of these speeches have been people just reading something on camera. I thought, “the rising” is positive and uplifting. The message is a winning one, and the counter-message is going to be nothing but fear-mongering. Completely agree. Damn, she’s so inspirational. Now compare her with Melania the mail order bride. Michelle Obama is crushing it right now.
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The only one that practiced has been Cuomo since he actually delivered a speech. The only other people that didn’t sound like robots were people that were responding to questions. Also, Bernie did pick a running Good Jesus Rock Band Merry Christmas Shirts to write the M4A bill. You’re either for the dichotomy, or you’re against it. Get with the program, everyone. Bernie told it like it is, there is no. So I voted for Bernie in the primary and going to vote for Joe this November. Wow, that’s actually incredible. I always feel like the LIncoln Project is going to be the Vegeta to our Goku once the elections are over. This is unprecedented when you think about the fact that Michelle Obama was First Lady. I think the fact that she wasn’t being political at all made it all even more compelling. She was able to connect with everyone. I was actually impressed by their messaging, they seem.
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