I’ve had people try and start a fight or outright push me on the sidewalk because they wanted it all to themselves. I’ve had people block paths on trains and you try and squeeze by and they start cursing you out for accidentally I Keep All My Dad Jokes In A Dad A Base Shirt. Its truly scary how people go from zero to sixty over absolutely nothing. I am starting to learn to use certain kinds of inconsiderate behavior as a red flag that that person could be unstable and dangerous and to just keep my distance from them. Its just frustrating nonetheless. The thing is like every square inch of suburban roadways are covered in cameras. Then he heard the whole story and told the guy if. My car had flipped it would be a felony.
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The guy that hit me then came and apologized to me and left. I spent the night in the hospital and was woken up at 3am by. A team of doctors because my baby almost died. Walmart sells hunting rifles and shotguns because they I Keep All My Dad Jokes In A Dad A Base Shirt section. Those types of firearms are not exactly used in many crimes. Selling sporting goods isn’t normalizing violence. Also, the issue is criminals and gangs because they are responsible for the majority of shootings in this country. The scary thing about this is that this kind of road rage behavior is also common on sidewalks and transit too. There is just a really severe mental health problem going on and lots of crazy and angry people out there. And then bitched out the witness thinking he was my husband or something.
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