Well his friend came out and so did his friends mother. The dudes in the truck opened fire and killed my cousins buddy and paralyzed his mother. My cousin didn’t get shot. He never got over it and basically enlisted after 9/11. Because I Tell Dad Jokes Periodically But Only My Element Shirt. He was shot by a sniper and killed in Iraq. He got what he thought he deserved. I try and think of this whenever I want to flip someone off in traffic. Flipped off a dude in a company truck. He was practically hugging my bumper, so he swerved around me then puttered to 20 under the speed limit. I was just going home, so Idgaf, but still. Crazy ass drivers out there. Fuckin’ driver said I flipped him off for no reason as he was driving to work.
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When I sped up he sped up. Also didn’t break the window so he just looked like an angry tool. Back in the late 90s my cousin who was an early 20 something dude at. The time was cut off by a truck flying out of a gas I Tell Dad Jokes Periodically. But Only My Element Shirt. They then began following him. He was living with his folks at the time and it was like 6 am (he worked night shift at airport). He realized they were following him and saw there were two dudes in the truck. So instead of pulling into his own driveway, he went across the street where a friend his age also lived with his mother. He figured, make it a fair fight, 2 v 2. I slowed down to let him pass he slowed down.
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