Then some other shooting in Philly I think, some bar altercation, which came on the same day as another shooting. The Ich Bin Nicht Perfekt Aber Ich Bin Aus Bad Gandersheim Und Das Ist Fast Das Gleiche Shirt week. . I don’t remember them all but there’s been 1-2 headlines like this every day it seems. To be clear, I’m not blaming the media. I think not reporting mass shootings is not a reasonable ask of a free press in a free society. It’s just this stuff seems to come in waves. If we hadn’t had so many recent events I’m not sure this story would get the attention it is now. They go in cycles and create a feedback loop. Media attention to mass shootings seems to serve as a trigger/final push over the edge for other mass shooters. Attention to mass shootings incentives media to pay more attention to mass shootings for clicks.
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CNN already dumped “mass” from the Ich Bin Nicht Perfekt Aber. Ich Bin Aus Bad Gandersheim Und Das Ist Fast Das Gleiche Shirt NFLer. If anyone actually wants the reason for this, it’s because they have capital improvements that they used special accelerated depreciation to show a loss in the current tax year instead of having it depreciated over the useful life of the asset. This is normal and various types of accelerated depreciation are available for most businesses. It allows a business to take a hit going forward with reduced depreciation but use depreciation in the current year to reduce a tax burden. Now, forgive me for asking, i truly am not knowledgeable about corporate accounting, but why do we allow companies to squash all of their depreciation write-offs into a smaller timespan than the actual life of the asset?
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