If you are somehow holding your own against someone who counters picked you the jungle will come to feed a kill then flame you because they died. Then the 30% hp Lee jumps onto the 100% hp sett, dies, but not before Eating the I’m A Grumpy Old Man I Was Born In Octorber I’m Too Old To Fight Too Slow To Run Shirt. Don’t worry, this same jungle goes on Reddit to explain why his role is shit. And his lanes don’t help. One of the worst offenders for me was a Kayn. Who was a top lane main, came to gank when I had sperm freeze going and the enemy was sitting as far away as possible. I was playing on and couldn’t reach him. So I must have pinged to back like 12 times.
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He goes in achieves nothing comes and sites the cannon and qs the wave. It actually tilted me off the game and I just didn’t enjoy it. These are the kind of people that make me start clearing the jungle. Let’s be real, the I’m A Grumpy Old Man I Was Born In Octorber I’m Too Old To Fight Too Slow To Run Shirt. You’ve already seen which team is winning this game. Meanwhile, in the time it took you to discover said bot wards, the top has been ganked by the jungle (because he didn’t ward and was STILL against their turret) and their top, mid, and jungle just took a free herald. So you start dragon, only to see a teleport on a third deep bot ward that you didn’t clear. You must be casting all of my team’s games.
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Tell me Witch of LoL what spell can I cast so I get good teammates, or that these rules apply equally to both teams? Kassadin support it is. Thanks! Diamond here I come! This one is worse. Seriously go camp bot, please. Run it down top to like prove me wrong or something. My bad for not walking up to fight the level 3 Darius standing in the middle of nearly 2 full waves of minions as a Nasus. Who might as well heal him with auto-attacks? I’m a new player, but I won’t forget some Warwick jungle I had while playing Kayle. Then it’s really a nice shirt for all men and women. So you should buy this shirt.
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