It results in me getting up for seconds and thirds and tenths in an attempt to eat myself to death to end the pain. It is a whole system to prevent conversation and promote monologuing. Exactly. I like to talk and I can talk I’m Not Most Women Dirt Racing Car American Flag Shirt, but if the other person isn’t holding up their end, I give up pretty quickly because I just feel like if they wanted to have a conversation, they would, and I don’t want to force anyone to talk to me if they’re not interested. It really only drives me crazy when I’m trying to talk to someone and they are giving me one word answers that are really vague, so I stop talking, and then they keep trying to initiate conversations with me.
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I end up “happily” talking AT them until I can successfully leave or hide in a bathroom. It’s a stream of consciousness hell for everyone involved. I don’t know how my sister-in-law does it but she can fill air like no other. Literally I’m Not Most Women Dirt Racing. Car American Flag Shirt no one could possibly care about for. Every character dragging on about irrelevant details that add nothing to the narrative. All to usually ruin the part of the story that is usually interesting by getting facts wrong or delivering it in such a way to put emphasis on the wrong point. And my mother inlaw enforces strict no interrupting rules, phones. Friends and their daughters and decide to just give monosyllabic answers.
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