they’ll tell you about how a routine and frequent usage of narcotics will completely fuck with your mind and you’ll do things In A World Where You Can Be Anything Be Kind Totle Shirt with relationships, finances, depravity, or general life choices). Please just consider this as a factor if you ever find out someone you love is struggling with this. I’m also open to any questions if anyone has any regarding advice or general lifestyle questions. We cannot choose a parents as parents cannot choose a child. To accep each other in low time and darkness is hard. Love is not enough. We cannot change people. They change themselves. Have a strong heart and try to be more sincere. It makes less burden. I think. The ‘whenever it’s cold’ part hits hard, that and when it’s rainy. I think about all the time if she’s lonely.
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A lawyer, played by Ian Holm, recalls a story of their daughter who gets poisoned somehow (been a while since I’ve seen the movie) and the lawyer and wife have to drive their child to the hospital. They decide the wife should In A World Where You Can Be Anything Be Kind Totle Shirt more convincingly (had to convince the daughter she was going to be fine). Ends up, daughter survives, but she then turns out “bad” and only occasionally calls. The father ends the recollection by saying, “that was back when she loved us both equally, and now she hates us both equally”. Not sure why I recall (the gist of) this quote after years since seeing the movie. This, all of this just in reverse: my mother instead. if she’s holed up in here room between binges feeling lost and miserable or hopeless. It’s a deep, sad.
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