A row can Mug Belongs To The Most Amazing Wonderfull Awesome Moeder Ever Shirt later. “Eh I can just leave this in the sink. Get to it later before bed” x 2 days “Why is this grime caked onto this plate still I’ve been scrubbing for 10 minutes straight! Ugh, when I take out the trash, I gather up all the trash around the house, empty all the smaller bins, find something along the way that needs to go, like empty shampoo bottles, scoop the litter box so I can empty the litter genie, realize we’re out of litter, add that to the shopping list along with the shampoo, haul it all outside, come back in and replace all the bin liners. And when you have free time to do something “fun,” you’re too mentally exhausted from doing all the things.
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You have to do that you waste free time half watching tv and half scrolling through Reddit. Mug Belongs To The Most. Amazing Wonderfull Awesome Moeder Ever Shirt true. The part about clearing the table and being held up along the way is close to home. I feel like my jobs are a house of cards. And every time you have a spare time window, that one thing you need to be done ends up taking waaaaay longer than expected. Multiple “just 30 minutes” appointments turning into 3 hour affairs. Might as well get petrol on the way back, wouldn’t want to totally waste the trip. Have you got milk in the fridge? Could swing by Tesco petrol get a two in one, it just takes me 1.3 miles more. .. So much this.
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