Furthermore, if every person had this mindset we wouldn’t have shamans or other similar people who are capable of guiding others in their journeys. This, in honesty, is a huge part of digesting the Never Mind You Were Too Stupid To Understand The First Time So I Give Up Trying To Explain It Shirt. If everyone gave up these experiences once they felt “okay,” we would be doing a huge disservice to all the people who could benefit from the power of their wisdom. What if instead of carrying the boat, you build your own each time you need to make a crossing? Or even better, just swim across sometimes. And sometimes you could even just step over the puddles. Then it’s really a nice shirt for all men and women. So you should buy this shirt. Thank you so much.
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Where some people really think they need a boat to cross a puddle because they can’t differentiate big problems from small ones. Not all crossings need a boat. It took me a long time to learn to just put the Never Mind You Were Too Stupid To Understand The First Time So I Give Up Trying To Explain It Shirt. So I can really face life’s problems in all their variety. I’m not saying people need them to splash in the puddles, bro. But if you think you’re effortlessly swimming across the Mississippi or the Colorado River in a storm…Well, we’ll pick your body up downstream. Also, just remember that not every craftsman uses the same tools to make the same piece of furniture. Your plane might be someone else’s chisel and vice versa. They both serve their purpose, and everyone uses them differently. And just to clarify, I’m not saying everyone needs both in their toolbox.
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They both work for me, and neither is leaving. I just find it hyperbolic for people to assume that since they don’t need them, that I don’t. I’m glad you continue to get a Never Mind You Were Too Stupid To Understand The First Time So I Give Up Trying To Explain It Shirt. I’ve had some real soul joining moments with my girlfriend on LSD. Most times I just get high though and encounter 0 revelations about life/universe. I’ve certainly had times where experiencing the journey with someone else is much more fulfilling than doing it alone. But, in the same breath, I’ve also had times where doing it alone was. The literal “cathartic cry,” or weep, that I needed to experience alone. It’s hard because the human psyche, and also psychedelics, are so damn dynamic. Even in great self-awareness, it’s hard to truly understand.
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