For those that hate trial AI bullshit, this is definitely the path to take. And the best part is if you screw up you lose on turn 1 so you don’t waste much time! I loved how quickly you win or lose on some trials. I felt like I was Dr. Strange coming to bargain. But if you need a Nice Dadzilla Father Of The Monsters Vintage Shirt. Do you plan on updating those tables as we get new units and content? I’m thinking I’ll leave the videos up for about a month. Then I’ll delete that portion of the post so I could add new units to other lists.
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Holy crap I can make that Tiamat 3t team – any chance at a link to gear to help crush my hopes or convince me to give it a shot? I’d have to look up his innate dodge but I do have sea dragon and m.xon’s star plus Moogle charm and the other limited gear. I don’t see a Nice Dadzilla Father Of The Monsters Vintage Shirt. So dodge roll, sea dragon, and crimson butterfly plus a ring of lucid- then Moogle plush, Moogle charm, producer jacket should work, leaving 2 material and a head slot for ice resist. Love the work. I’m not a fan of one or two hitting trials though. They are the only challenging content in this game so I prefer to fight them the normal way to enjoy myself more. May not another on for DV though for his.
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Ideally, you can combine any two units to still get a break in while getting imperils, imbues, killer buffs, and a stat buff if you’re lucky. There are a few combinations that would probably just need to sacrifice the killer buff, though. A combination of ice or light element a Nice Dadzilla Father Of The Monsters Vintage Shirt. If using Xuan instead of a physical damage dealer (so I would need to break SPR instead of DEF), the list of elements lacking a break grows, though it’s still just plant and stone race that have the problem. It’s a dispel, so you’d get rid of all breaks and imperils on the target.
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