Holy shit that rooms awesome! Where did those wavy shelves come from? I think they were cat shelves from wayfarer? I think she just clicks shit she thinks is cool and orders it. Hey if it gives you any hope my cat is afraid of my ferrets so he leaves the Nice Ferret Mom 2020 Quarantined Shirt. Neither lash out nor anything. They just don’t bother each other. I wouldn’t use the wavy shelves that can be a falling hazard even the cat tower ferrets don’t have any depth perception and can get seriously hurt. You can also get a few big cheep ceramic tiles and leave them in the freezer. If it’s hot just pop one or two under a fleece blanket in the cage. They stay cool for quite a while too.
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I think better than a lot of the cooler ice packs and you don’t have to worry about them chewing the plastic or getting at whatever weird goo is inside of them. So I really appreciate the pic, I was having trouble picturing the setup from your comment. I think I’ll have to get one of the Nice Ferret Mom 2020 Quarantined Shirt. Yours seems a little easier than the swamp cooler. I can definitely do this! That eases my mind so much. Spring is here and I’ve had the AC on for the time in a while so I got kinda freaked remembering how hot I had been. Much appreciated. When it hits the 70s we always have fans circulating in the room and always set one up facing their cage at night.
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Keep frozen water bottles on hand. We live in Alaska and no one has AC here. Once in a blue moon, it gets in the 80s. So we toss frozen water bottles and frozen ceramic plates in their sleep areas. If you a Nice Ferret Mom 2020 Quarantined Shirt. So do what feels comfortable for you in the case of no AC. Put on a fan. Open up windows and get a cross breeze going. Darken the room and keep the sun out. Keep bottles of water frozen in the freezer and take them out, wrap them in wet towels, and put them in front of the fan.
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