I don’t trust Mathias and I’m scared for Preston. Stay safe OP and don’t look beneath the static. And did Behind The Static remind anyone of that terrifying show the mom would watch over, and over, and over in the movie Requiem For A Dream? That’s what I visualized it looking like. shudder. Millie could feel a Nice I Don’t Always Tell People Where I Hunt But When I Do It’s A Lie Vintage Shirt? We have yet to know. I wonder if everyone sees the same broadcast as you OP, or if the show ..changes.. for everyone who watches it. Is your sister okay? Because you mention Mathias being a nice guy didn’t get him far with your sister… And JJ was demanding that people should take what they want.
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Absolutely. And that ‘advice’ is apparently a part of what people should know about JJ. I think Mathias made a deal with the devil. Wow, this was intense. I’m so sorry for what happened to Preston’s brother and what you and your friends had to go through OP. I can’t remember the rest of it but it didn’t have a name to it so I was wondering who might’ve said this. Thanks for replying. I thought that at first, but I just wanted to double-check. I read this 3 days ago and I still can’t get it out of my head. The descriptions of the host scare me the most. I have panic attacks when my husband leaves for work when it’s dark out now. This is ENTIRELY effective. Also, I hope your kids are okay.
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Did you catch Ben saying Siah told him one of the little kids had fallen off during the ski game, all so Nice I Don’t Always Tell People Where I Hunt But When I Do It’s A Lie Vintage Shirt? They all act like Siah is so funny and clever, but I think he’s a mean competitive jerk like Josh. He always has to play “pranks”, but he acts like a big pouty baby if anyone picks on him. I’m not suggesting he’s violent or anything, but I think he’s got a nasty side to him. Ben would shake his head at Josiah’s announcement.
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