You hit the nail on the head. So many dogs are put down every day, why waste time and energy on a dog that is ALWAYS going to be a risk to the public? And how realistic is it that some single person is going to adopt this dog and remain single and alone for the Nice My Child Is A Frenchie Shirt? We both know that there is some idiot stupid enough to want to do this. They’ll probably get it and try to integrate it with their kids and other pets with the help of a shit ton of medication. And it’ll bite someone. And it’ll likely get posted an article is written about how Bruce killed the toddler of the owner’s friend. When they brought them to visit the sweet widdle doggie.
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It’s ok, they’ll just push the monster onto some poor lonely elderly person who will be easily overpowered by it. They love throwing these trainwrecks onto the homebound and elderly. Shelter managers often really put the pressure on their workers to unload these dogs. They better stop at nothing if they want their jobs. Have to make room for the Nice My Child Is A Frenchie Shirt. How about the owner has to pay either for the shelter or euthanasia? That would solve their money and space issues. Let’s see how many owners care about the lives of their unwanted dogs when they have to pay for it. Because that’s all shelters are. Free dump sites for fucked up dogs or stray dogs (if animal control shuffles over in enough time…or at all).
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Of course not. So there are no fines for any dog violation in my city. Does dog kill you? Not even a Nice My Child Is A Frenchie Shirt. Imagine how well-funded shelters could be if dog owners were fined for all “laws” that are on the books. And I already mentioned stopping shelters from being free dumping sites. If they didn’t dump them at shelters, they’d probably just dump them on the street. Or drive them out to the country and leave them there. Where they can run loose and terrorize even more people, pets, and wildlife. Well the fourth time will be someone who lives alone and will die from dog attack alone and then the dog will die after it runs out of food. Then it’s a nice shirt. So you should buy this shirt.
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