It’s a touchy subject for sure. Emphasize that she is more important than some fitness standards. You keep doing what makes you happy, welcome her as much as she wants to join you, and don’t pressure her. I’ll be honest though, I’m not terribly qualified to speak here. So many women have really fraught relationships with their health, I hope you can attract some responses from women who feel similarly. Thank you for your response. I’m looking for responses from women as well. And yes, I don’t invite her to do all the Nice Rick And Morty I’m Pikarick Shirt. But I’ll definitely emphasize your points more from now on. Coming from someone with weight issues, you can reassure you how much you want but at the end of the day, the words don’t really mean anything. Now don’t get me wrong, some assurance is always nice to hear, but I would maybe suggest.
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Like for example, you have a set route that is challenging enough for you, etc, maybe cut it down for her and slow your own pace for her so that she can still enjoy riding together. And slowly you guys will be able to do what you usually do. (And if you feel the need to go out extra, do it afterward with an explanation for example. “I lobe to ride with you. But I feel the need to be a Nice Rick And Morty I’m Pikarick Shirt. Also, maybe try focusing on other stuff than exercising? Cook together or find other hobbies where you are on the same level of where it can’t turn into a competition?
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(I know I feel horrible when my bf just rushes through the things he knows but I’m just a beginner). You haven’t been too pushy, but I think starting with biking right away scared her – it’s something you do a Nice Rick And Morty I’m Pikarick Shirt. From what you said, she didn’t even own a bike before. I recommend doing something you both might be new to. She also sounds embarrassed to exercise in public, so you should honestly exercise at home at first. My sister used to have incredible weight problems (compulsive eating caused by a lot of anxiety).
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