I carry a 9 mm, as well. This does not make me feel safer. This makes me a target. People assume I won’t use it. And it draws Nice Welder Zero Flux Given Shirt eyes for theft. I’d rather not show up with a knife to a gunfight, but it has its caveats. If you have one, know the laws in your location. So I did not travel with a firearm on foot, only by vehicle. I have a safe, and I follow all procedures to legally pass through wherever I am. Don’t be stupid, cops are as much of a danger to you as anyone else. This leads me to my next point, officers can be fucking creeps at well. I’m probably preaching to the choir here, but I have definitely had some uncomfortable situations arise. Like I said before, people in power positions can and will abuse it.
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I know I have spoken a lot about creepy guys, but you’d be a fool to inherently trust women, as well. So I have had girls approach me in a friendly manner, or seeking help, which clearly lured me for the bigger Nice Welder Zero Flux Given Shirt. Tits don’t make someone a good person. And good people can be in desperate situations that compromise their values too. Not all predators are obvious. You need to be cunning and analytical. I have heard about women injecting another lady in a public restroom, and then carrying her out to a strange vehicle, all under. I could go on forever about this topic, and by no means am I an expert. Just speaking from the heart. I want to leave you with a piece of advice from Clint Emerson’s 100 Deadly Skills: Survival Edition… So good. So happy. Thank you so much.
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