I think somewhere No Matter How Old I Am I Still Get Excited Everytime I See Penguins Shirt amongst us. Unfortunately this is the usual QOP tactic of obstruct, obstruct, and more obstruction while crying fiscal irresponsibility and then taking credit for something that they voted against** under a dem leadership, which seems to not be working as effectivelyfor once. Ok, child tax credit. I have an almost six year old son, his birthday is in the summer. Would we get the full amount of money(3600) because he was five at the time of my tax return? I’m assuming that’s what they’re going off of, but then I read part of it will come back to us during next years refund potentially. I think there was something about eliminating a tax for student loans too. . Money for vaccines. Money for covid testing. $1,400 checks for everyone. Cobra money.
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Child tax credits No Matter How Old I Am I Still Get Excited Everytime I See Penguins Shirt. 4.5 million Americans got health insurance. 40 million Americans get help with nutrition assistance. Direct aid to schools and small businesses. Could a neutral american explain to a random european why is this such great news? Don’t get me wrong this really looks like a normal empathetic action but I’ve also seen the republicans reaction that this is not a good idea because (insert random reason here). Is there a chance that it will cripple the economy somehow or the republicans are really total sociopaths. TLDR we acknowledged trickle-down economics doesn’t work so we’re trying trickle up economics, not only this but we’re spending money on vaccine distribution, aid to states, K-12 schools. If you’re not desperate, then invest some of it into the economy, not just your 401(k)
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