Whoever thought to cut out the dog-person hybrid should be fired. That would have truly launched this movie into the history books. Please update, are all these comments accurate? I’m about to do the Official Cats I Survived Toilet Paper Apocalypse 2020 Shirt. Oh god, yes, yes they are. I’m texting you from only 30 minutes in and, oh god, yes. Please keep your eye on Rebel Wilson’s collar; it’s a star all its own. I too was the lone person in the theater tonight. Did you notice how the cats’ ears changed in proportion to their heads in numerous camera angles? It was most noticeable on Munkustrap. Oh yeah, I noticed. Most of the shorthair cats had weird floating faces. Rebel Wilson’s collar looked like it was just sort of floating near her neck.
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It was very easy to tell scenes got heavily phoned in by animators. Who realized there was probably no way. Yeah, this is deeply important. I’m not OP but there’s a dance scene that takes place on a railway yard where the animation is so terrible an Official Cats I Survived Toilet Paper Apocalypse 2020 Shirt. I want to see the original version won’t have an opportunity to for about a week. I don’t want to miss this trainwreck of a movie. Help me out Reddit! You’re my only hope.
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Honestly, Cats is the first movie I haven’t been able to rate on a five-star scale. It exists on this plane completely beyond good an Official Cats I Survived Toilet Paper Apocalypse 2020 Shirt. It’s not even “so bad it’s good,” it’s just this completely separate thing. I wish I could explain it better, my friend and I have been in a weird trance. So that’s where the cats were during the railway scene! Yeah, it looks like absolute shit. Pay attention you can see the cats’ hands/feet change lend into the same texture as the floor lmao. And none of the cat’s character designs were consistent! Some had hairy faces, only a couple had whiskers, Judy Dench had her regular face and cat ears, Idris Elba had cat eyes and a brown bodysuit.
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