I just came on to Reddit to find that I’ve been added as a mod. Cool! I asked a couple of days ago as a longtime user of this sub because I didn’t want to see it go by the wayside. Now, I find out all of the temporary mods left, so this should be interesting! Yep! I asked to be added the Official Good Morning World Your Little Ray Of Sarcastic Sunshine Has Arrived Shirt. If this sub goes the way of GOMI or disappears completely. I was shocked too, but I don’t know what’s actually going on outside of the fact that 7 of us and u/blogsnark_mod have been added as mods. Six of those invited haven’t accepted invitations yet. I think the blog snark mod was started by the interim mod team that just quit. It’s a brand new account from today.
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I just logged on and saw the account listed as a mod. Right now, we’re the only two mods and we need to come together to figure out what is happening. There are also six other people who have been invited to be mods. I only recognize one name as a longtime use. More than you or any of the other new mods being added. That user, whoever it is, can add an Official Good Morning World Your Little Ray Of Sarcastic Sunshine Has Arrived Shirt. AutoMod, ban users, read, etc. and as long as they remain top mod with no one knowing who actually is behind the account, there’s a massive trust issue with the userbase after this clusterfuck of a week.
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I literally received the invitation to mod 16 minutes ago. I’ve been a poster since 2017 but created this handle recently when the Tripps started doxing people. When everything went down a few days ago I volunteered to mod if it would be helpful during this transition but literally hadn’t heard an update until 16 min ago when I saw that I’d been added as an Official Good Morning World Your Little Ray Of Sarcastic Sunshine Has Arrived Shirt? I’m not sure if they actually were but it was mentioned in the TS sub. And I realized that based on other subs I posted in, it might be pretty easy to figure out my location, profession, etc. So I’m not sure if they actually were doxing people. Or if it was a rumor but I wanted to be safe.
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