I’m not as rich as Trump but can understand doing every. Legal maneuver within your grasp to get tax money written off. AS LONG AS it’s LEGAL. And not an Official Heart You’re Stronger Than You Think Shirt. IS being smart, otherwise, you’re a crook. It’s the same gimmick when we do donate stuff to recognized charities, then proceed to write it off on taxes. The easements used by rich people to evade taxes are always fraudulent. But proving it in court is both prohibited and unfunded, so it will continue. Their only thought is “oh, they know how the system works, they are successfully navigating it, which means they know how to bend it to benefit us”.
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Right and the huge and glaring difference between the legal means you are citing and what Trump, Trump’s family, Trump’s businesses, Trump’s college have done is that there are dozens of reliable data points (some of the court cases) pointing to the fact that Trump is a crook and a cheat. So let’s all quit pretending the fact the tax code screws over the middle-class Official Heart You’re Stronger Than You Think Shirt of it is in any way comparable to what the Trump orgs have been doing. And the other is a bunch of organized criminals. Ah, back when Bill Mahar wasn’t dogshit. When he was concerned with the material conditions of real people and not some dumb shit some SJW on Twitter said. We ain’t looking fur no handouts!” while they’re getting handouts. Oddly enough liberals aren’t looking for handouts either. So good. So happy. Thank you so much.
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