Just a reminder that “ethics” starts locally. The biggest change you can make is not whose pocket you line but whom you vote for at the polls and which initiatives you strike down at the polls. Politics is what gives these capitalist powerhouses the green light for the stuff we love to hate. Also, the most “ethical consuming” is not consuming at all unless we need to. Regarding the brands the Official I Love Being A Caregiver Vintage Shirt. Because they donate some proceeds to charity or partner with some social organization, my concern for, well, 100% of these brands is that they are doing this as a marketing tactic and to justify the higher price tag. I’ve checked out the philanthropic activities of some of the brands quoted here, and it doesn’t appear that they have any relationship to these organizations or the people they help beyond sending them some % of their revenue.
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This is an issue because it’s the fashion supply chain that generates sustainability issues and contributes to global inequality. Donating money to people who are not in their supply chain is essentially a kickback. They’re doing it to get the naive customer off their backs. So that they can be seen as ethical but continue business an Official I Love Being A Caregiver Vintage Shirt. That said, I think the whole of fashion is an evil thing is overblown. Because these same problems exist in all global industries and form part of a systemic problem.
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Even if some of these parameters can be relaxed by individuals sending each other or an organization money, figuring. How to send that money would probably take more effort than the average person is able to give. These help an African child. While sitting on your shitter browsing Amazon stories are commercialized myths that serve, probably intentionally. To drive sales and very little else. I’m writing the Official I Love Being A Caregiver Vintage Shirt. The critiques of the fashion industry, marketing. What is the solution at this point? Where can consumers spend their dollars, time, and effort to change this? That’s what I’m concerned with. I recognize that you’re trying to source solutions.
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